The latest book

 by Soribel Martinez, LCSW

Best-Selling Author & CEO of SMPsychotherapy

is the key to

  • Discovering your true purpose

  • Tapping into your innate desires

  • And creating the life of your dreams.

in your personal life, career, or business?

Are you facing Adversity

In your personal life, career, or business?

  • Do you feel a sense of grief or loss?

  • Are you disconnected from your purpose and your passion?

  • Have you ever felt pressure from society to do, have, or be something that doesn't feel right to you?

  • Does your current life leave you feeling depleted and maybe even angry?

  • Do you want to feel energized and connected again?

  • What if you could have the life you always dreamed of?

If you can honestly say YES to one or more than these, you are in the right place!

You may be ready to take your life, career or business to the next level.

This TRANSFORMATIONAL book is for you.

If you’re ready to

  • Stop second-guessing yourself

  • Learn to bounce back from any adversity life throws at you

  • And build your Unbreakable life

you need this book.

Just a word of caution:

This book might shake up your life, cause you to see things in a new light,

And fill you with the inspiration to take inspired, massive action. 

That’s why Soribel also wrote a companion journal. In The Unbreakable Journal, Soribel uses in-depth self-evaluation prompts and expertly-crafted visualization exercises to guide you to find your true purpose.

  • What were you put on this earth to do?

  • What sort of impact are you supposed to have on the world?

  • What is the unique genius that you can share?

  • How can you build your unique, unbreakable life?

the stories soribel shares in...

Unbreakable will tease your emotions. You may laugh on page six and cry when you finish chapter two. These stories are ones of adversity, of overcoming obstacles, and of being a woman trying to rise against the force of expectations and trauma. Soribel’s stories are your stories.

In these pages, you’ll find relatable anecdotes that guide you to seek a deeper understanding of where your life is right now, how you got there, and how to get back to chasing your dreams.

in unbreakAble, you'll read:

  • Strategies for overcoming trauma.

  • Ways to turn adversity into success.

  • Soribel’s Dirty Chair Process and how it can help you bounce back.

  • What is holistic self-care, and why is it vital to success?

  • The importance of identifying your purpose, and Soribel’s proven system for keeping connected.

  • And so much more!

As a psychotherapist with over 25 years of experience, Soribel has a track record of helping people overcome obstacles and create the life they want. Unbreakable and the companion journal can help you get the same incredible results her clients enjoy.

here's what readers have to say about


You have three options for purchasing


order the book

Includes: Unbreakable, the Best-Selling Book

includes special bonus:

• The Unbreakable Digital Workbook Download for FREE

• Personalized author signature of Unbreakable for FREE

Unbreakable is an inspirational memoir and self-development book that combines relatable stories with Soribel’s expertise as a psychotherapist to help you create the life you want.

The book includes a digital workbook download!

Available in paperback or hardcover

Paperback: $26.95

Hardcover: $29.99

Please allow 7 - 14 business days for delivery.

order the journal

Includes: The Unbreakable Journal

includes special bonus:

• Personalized author signature of The Unbreakable Journal for FREE

So you read the book and want more? The Unbreakable Journal takes all the content from Unbreakable and asks you to dive deep into self-evaluation prompts designed to connect you with your purpose and move you toward your unbreakable life! This full-color, gorgeous journal is for the reader who can’t wait to learn more about themselves!

Available in paperback or hardcover

Paperback: $45.99

Hardcover:  $49.99

Please allow 7 - 14 business days for delivery.

order the bundle

Includes: Unbreakable, the Best-Selling Book and The Unbreakable Journal

includes special bonus:

• The Unbreakable Digital Workbook Download for FREE

• The Unbreakable Journal Digital Download for FREE

• Personalized author signature of Unbreakable and The Unbreakable Journal for FREE

For those people committed to continuous self-development, we created the bundle of the Unbreakable book and The Unbreakable Journal! This bundle is for those who wish to uncover their purpose while reading the book.

Available in paperback or hardcover

Paperback Bundle: $65.00

Hardcover Bundle:  $75.00

Please allow 7 - 14 business days for delivery.

order the ultimate unbreakable kit

Includes: Unbreakable, the Best-Selling Book and The Unbreakable Journal, the Unbreakable bookmark, Unbreakable candle, Unbreakable mug, and the Unbreakable t-shirt in a beautifully branded Unbreakable gift box.

ultimate unbreakable kit includes special bonuses:

• The Unbreakable Digital Workbook Download for FREE

• The Unbreakable Journal Digital Download for FREE

• The Unbreakable Self Care Practice Plan Download for FREE

• Personalized author signature of Unbreakable and The Unbreakable Journal for FREE

As a special treat, Soribel created the Ultimate Unbreakable Kit. This is the perfect gift for a loved one committed to personal development or for yourself, because true self-care is about taking care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

Available in paperback or hardcover

with Paperback Unbreakable + Journal: $200.00 (valued at $297)

with Hardcover Unbreakable + Journal: $250.00 (valued at $347)

Please allow 7 - 14 business days for delivery.

claim your copy of the best-selling book today!

still not sure?

For a limited time, Soribel is offering a sneak peek at chapter 1 of Unbreakable.

You won’t be able to put this book down!

Proceeds from Unbreakable go to
JC's Precious Minds Foundation

JC Precious Mind Foundation is a non-profit entity dedicated to providing psychological, educational, and financial support, including occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy, to single Dominican mothers of children with special needs such as Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and any disability related to learning.

About Soribel Martinez, LCSW, MBA

Soribel Martinez, LCSW, is a visionary who believes all people can create the life of their dreams with the right tools and support. It is her purpose to help others create their Unbreakable life.

Soribel developed the Multi-Million Dollar Private Practice Principles to build and scale SMPyschotherapy and Counseling Services into the dynamic practice it is today. SMPsychotherapy employs over twenty-five licensed mental health therapists, two psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners, and administrative staff. Soribel’s group practice serves over eleven thousand clients.

When she transitioned from working as a school social worker to private practice, Soribel relied on the knowledge gained in her MBA program. Since starting her practice and hiring therapists, she’s discovered that university programs that train people in helping professions teach the fundamentals of practice but not the business side. To help other private practice owners create and scale businesses that have a massive impact on the world and provide abundant financial resources, Soribel started offering private coaching programs.

Soribel was born in the Dominican Republic and immigrated to the United States when she was twelve years old. She holds bachelor’s degrees in psychology and biology from Post University and completed two years of medical school at SABA School of Medicine before deciding mental health care was her true calling. She achieved a master’s degree in psychology and social work, and then returned for her MBA because she always dreamed of running her own business. A believer in lifelong learning, Soribel is currently a Doctor of Social Work candidate at Walden University.

Soribel’s faith guides her business and life purpose. She relies on a strong foundational connection with her Creator to help her make the right decisions for her family, her business, and other endeavors. Soribel expanded her purpose to help women build their dreams by founding JC’s Precious Minds Foundation in 2021 to honor the memory of her son, Jean-Carlos.

Soribel Martínez


CEO of SMPsychotherapy and Counseling Services

In addition to being a psychotherapist, CEO, business coach, and the founder of a non-profit, Soribel is a mother, a speaker, a storyteller, an adjunct professor of Psychology at Post University, and a member of the Post University’s Malcolm Baldrige School of Business-Management Advisory Board. Soribel’s publication credits include a chapter in the anthology Ignite Your Leadership, the Conquer Your Vision workbook, and Unbreakable, an inspirational memoir to be released in March 2023.

Soribel is accomplished, purpose-driven, and fueled by a passion for social change, but she wants to remind her readers that none of those labels define her. Accomplishments and titles do not determine how much you love yourself or how much your Creator supports you. Soribel is worthy of achieving her dreams because she is, just as you are worthy because you are. Soribel lives in Connecticut with her mother and son, John Anthony. She spends her free time with family, traveling worldwide, reading, and learning as much as possible.

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